
I'm making a comeback tour.

So I have totally fallen off of the face of the earth since starting me new job at Ellerbe. I haven't posted anything since, I believe my first day of work. Speaking of work, all is well. I am finally starting to feel really comfortable here after one month. My roles are beginning to take shape and become apparent to me. One thing I can't seem to get used to however, it getting up at 645am. That really sucks. I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation and will do anything in my power to stay in bed for just one more minute.

I am definately not seeing enough of my girly. She is even busier than I am. Abbey has only been at KU med for about 3 weeks and has already had about 4 tests and 10 quizes. [she finally knows the struggles of school taking up more personal time than it ever should...something she used to harp on my all the time for when I was in Architecture school]

A friend of mine, Jason Bervert, has a wedding rapidly approaching and that mean that a bachalor party is on the way. YESSS!! [oh how I love bachalor parties] So this weekend we are kicken the day off with some bbq and beer and then the night will just go down hill from there [i am reluctant to further endulge you on the specifics of said evening for fear that some church going folks or children under 18 may wonder onto this blog.] As you can imagine, it will be a good time.

That is all I have time for now, I promise I will get some new pics up soon. until then

pace [that is peace in Italian]


my work space at ellerbe