
new sites

I have been working on a few projects for the wedding recently. One being a wedding blog www.abkwedding.blogspot.com and the other being a wedding website, www.cbkroll.com . I hope that you check them out. The website is my first one of any consequence and may be changing over the next few days/weeks as I am still learning how it works and I am a little unhappy with how it looks at the present. But nonetheless, check it out. I will be blogging about the wedding planning process and putting all the appropriate info on the site, i.e. embarrassing pics of the groomsmen and so on. out.


I am getting married!!

It is true. After a little over 3 years, I finally asked abbey to be my wife...She said yes. August 4 is the a tentative date set right now. We will be married in Wichita so get ready to hit the road kids because this will be a celebration you won't want to miss. I am going to try to start a wedding blog or website with all the info on that so that people can stay up to date with all of our plans. Once that is made I will post the address on this blog so that those few of you that still visit every now and again have access to the site. Well, it has been too long since I have left a post and for that I apologize. I hope all are well out there is computer world. Enjoy your friday.