
I will first start off by saying that I still do not yet have a list in response to my last post...I know that you all must be crushed. However, I do have a good reason, his name is Huxley. Recently Abbey and I added a new little guy (soon to be big guy) to our family. One month ago today we drove out to Marrysville, KS and picked from a litter of 10 boxer puppies. The decision wasn't an easy one, but after some time we chose a brindle (light brown with dark stripes) boy. Of the two brindle boys in the litter we decided on the smaller of the two. Seeing that his dad was quite large we thought the smaller pup was a good choice. After we had an idea on which one we wanted to take home with us it was time to meet their parents. While the owner was putting the puppies back into there part of their house, out of the ten puppies, the one we had chosen snuck out and came running back over to us ready to offer some more licks. It was at this point we knew we had made the right choice. When we brought him home he was 7 weeks old and 8 pounds. Now, at 11 weeks he is around 16 pounds and his personality is really starting to come out. I will post more about this later as it is getting late. I just wanted you all to meet our Huxley.