
Mr. Young

Man oh Man...it seems like every time I decide to post something I have to start it off by saying how sorry I am for leaving my last entry up for so long. If any of you are like me, you check your friends blogs at least once a day and when you continue to see the same image day after day after day...it becomes real annoying. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I wanted to take today to write about one of my favorite musicians of all time. In fact he may well be my favorite if forced to pick one. I am of speaking of Mr. Neil Young. There is something about his unique high pitched voice that seems so real. I don't feel like he is singing to make money or a career or even to entertain, however, singing because he has something inside to say that only singing can express. Almost like it is fighting it's way out and his voice is the medium for which it travels. I love music from this generation. When I say that, I mean music from the sixties and seventies (not referring to "classic rock"). It has so much feeling in it. The musicians were not hand picked by a panel of judges being judged on how "pitchy" they are or how they look. They were people who had something to sing about and that is exactly what they did. They sang. Whether it was about love, politics, sex, drugs, loneliness, and happiness...they just sang it in a way that makes me close my eyes and wonder how great it must have been to hear it live.

I did have the chance to catch Neil Young a couple of years ago with my dad when Greendale came out at Starlight amphitheatre. It was incredible. To watch someone sing and play his guitar with such passion is a great experience. I will never forget it.

The reason I felt it necessary to write this today is because I recently purchased "Neil Young live at Massey Hall 1971".

This is one of those albums that is so good you almost cannot have it on as background music because you will find yourself just sitting an listening to songs like "Cowgirl in the Sand", "A man needs a maid", and "Don't let it bring you down"....it is silly how good these songs are. Oh, and the version of "Old man" on the live at Massey Hall is the best I have ever heard. If you have an extra 14 bucks, go ahead and visit the itunes store in download this album. It comes with two pretty cool videos as well. One of which is Mr. Young on his ranch with footage of the "Old man" he sings about. Anyway, if anyone actually reads this and buys the album...let me know what you think.