
I am back baby

I finally have internet in my new place. It is amazing how reliant we, or maybe just me, have become on this connection to the world. I remember in highschool I never was the kind of person to just sit down at the computer and "surf the web" let along start a blog and somewhat keep it updated. Now after sitting in front of a computer for the last 3 years, basically solid. I seem to feel some comfort knowing that this connection is just in the other room for me to find solice in whenever I want.
Well, I really have nothing else for you now. I have been working way too much lately and have had no time to do anything. Not even get my apartment clean or make it my home. there are still boxes and piles of things just screaming to be put away. I look at them and quitely promise to get to them after work. but when I don't leave work until 10 or so i have to look at said items when I get home knowing that i will probably tell the same lie to them tomorrow. Hopefully this week will be a little slower and i will have time to start taking care of some of these things. I will update with pics of my space once it starts to take shape.

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