
Kansas City on the Fly
So for the last week I have been putting in a few extra hours a night at work. While I don't necassarily enjoy putting in the extra time, it does allow me to enjoy some fantastic light on the way home. I have been inspired as of late to shoot some pics of KC while on my drive home, sometimes shooting from my car without so much as even slowing down. Having said that, here are a few of the images I have added to my library.


Unknown said...

hahaha, you got blog spammed...you should for sure turn on the word verification. With that said, that second image is amazing and I will suggest, AGAIN, that you start a flickr account.

Anonymous said...

yes! get a flickr!
love these.

jill m said...

i love driving photos...raw, instanteous, real...keep it up [the photo part, not the late working part]