
The Cappuccino

So for the past two years I have been nursing a slight obsession with the cappuccino. I must say though that my taste for the coffee bean isn't solely limited to the cappuccino. I enjoy many other forms of the drink: the latte, the macchiato, the frappuccino, and I consume about 4 cups of the stuff in its pure brewed form [black] each day. However, nothing can top the perfectly brewed Italian espresso mixed with just enough milk to make it creamy and then topped with a healthy amount of perfectly steamed froth. Truthfully, making a good cappuccino is an art form. I can't tell if my love for the breakfast drink stems solely from the taste and delight one feels when sipping on one while reading a book or the paper, or if there is something stronger or deeper there. I feel there is a great amount of romanticism involved with making a really good cappuccino. It is unlike most drinks in that a great amount of time and dedication goes not only in to making each cup, but in learning how to make your first cup. The first time you steam the milk into a rich froth, or attempt to pour a design into your cup. Learning how much milk to seam or how hard to tamp the espresso before extracting it. You know that when you order a cappuccino at your favorite coffee shop, a lot of hours have gone into that very cup.

About 3 months ago, my parents bought Abbey and me an espresso maker for a house warming gift. I am just now getting the hang of it and I must say, I make a pretty decent cappuccino. The only problem with that is, I cannot stop drinking them. Here is an image of one my cappuccinos. I have not yet mastered the artful pour of the milk, but as mentioned above...it takes time.


jerad said...

I think you should open a coffee shop in the village, I mean who wouldn't support a really cool coffee shop. To hell with this architecture thing I'm ready to eat good food, drink some red wine, have my day revolve around a ciesta and pretty much try as hard as I can to pretend I'm Italian.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

in italy, i would order a cappuccino from a cute, creepy italian guy...and i would always get a heart in it.