
Christmas time

I made the decision a long time ago that I would never adorn any residence of mine with colored Christmas lights. I have never liked them, will probably never like them and could never understand why other people have such an affection for them. I am no Scrooge, I just prefer the plain white lights. Having said that, I will flash forward to present day.

Abbey and I are new home owners, working on about 4 months now. When we bought the house it was a bit run down and completely out of date but with enormous untapped potential. So, for the past 4 months we have been ripping wallpaper off the walls, tearing old walls down, putting new walls up, and basically re-doing every part of the house in some way or another. I am very, let me say it again, VERY fortunate that Abbey is as understanding as she is. When it comes to the house she has pretty much given me free reign. She has let me do everything to this house that I have wanted to with little to no resistance. Don't get me wrong, I run the ideas past her to make she doesn't hate them, and then with her approval I move on. (I will post before and after photos after we get the flooring done, estimated completion date: 2.1.07)

So, back to the beginning. In the spirit of Christmas, Abbey mentioned the other day that she wanted to decorate the house with Christmas lights. I became excited because I love this time of year and what better way to begin the Christmas season than by lighting our first house. This is about when she said that she loves the colored bulbs and then asked which ones I love. She could tell by the way I looked at her that her colored bulb comment didn't sit well with me. She went on about how they always had the colored bulbs as a kid and everyone in her neighborhood had the colored bulbs and it wouldn't feel the same without them. I was thinking there is no way I am putting those awful gaudy colored bulbs on our brand new (built in '53) home. The conversation didn't go much further than that and I kind of forgot about the whole thing. That is until I was at Target the other night wondering around seeing what else I could spend money on. I was walking through the Christmas section and up to the lights. I decided at that moment that since Abbey has been so understanding through this whole house renovation and I love her, I will surprise her by decorating the house with colored Christmas lights. So tonight while she was at Starbucks studying, I went out on the windiest night in history and hung colored Christmas lights on our new home. She was very happy, and you know what? they don't look too bad.


Alicia said...

Awe that's really sweet. I agree with you about colored bulbs but it does look pretty good. You're house is really taking shape! I'm glad I got to see it the other day. Let's hang out more! Were you having a Christmas party or was it Jared?

Unknown said...

I tell you what Barrett, since I've been getting into this whole mid-century modern thing the LARGE colored bulbs have started to appeal to me. There is a point in time when something just goes from looking dated, to looking downright cool. I am also a proponent of the white lights, but this Christmas something strange has come over me and I've been attracted to the most kitschy Christmas decorations. Bekka has actual had to restrain me. So I am jealous of your big colored lights. Can't wait to drive by and see them.

jerad said...

Well alicia, Mr. Kroll is having the Christmas Party, I am having the New Years party. Brad for some reason I can see you fitting the role of Chevy Chase in christmas vacation and taking things to an entirely different level.

Anonymous said...

that is SO sweet, barrett! i got the new white LED lights for my balcony...they are so bright i can't even look at them when i plug them in...ok, not that bright, but BRIGHT! merry christmas to ya both.

Jess said...

Thanks for the message bkroll! It's good to hear from you. The wedding pics are fabulous, by the way.

Hopefully I'll get up to KC some day soon to see all of you guys. Congrat s on the house, it's looking great!

tessarh said...

beautiful lights!

Lee Lee said...

I'm not quite sure what to say about that story except that it may be one of the sweetest i've heard in awhile. Sometimes in relationships, days go by and you take your significant other for granted. Then you feel as if you have to come up with some grand gesture to let them know you care and you appreciate them. But in reality it's the small simple thoughtful things that mean the most. What a beautiful way to show your wife you want to make her happy.