
mmmm. coffee

I have posted before about my love for espresso based drinks. I have to go on the record and say, for a fact, that the best coffee in Kansas City is at the Broadway Cafe & Roastery . Granted I have not tried coffee at EVERY coffee shop in KC, but I have tried a lot and Broadway coffee is FAR and ABOVE the others. I cannot imagine another cup even coming close. I am sorry to go on about this but I will. It is not only the care taken in the roasting of the bean (done in the cafe) but also in the grind (much more important than you think) and then in the extraction of the espresso, but also in the presentation of the cup. For instance, this morning's cup:

try a cup. You won't be disappointed...I promise.


tessarh said...

and a great place to hang out on a weekend morning! love the pics.

Anonymous said...

liquid comfort, i call it. i like the new blog image.