

last night my little brother and I took a last minute trip to Manhattan to finalize my move. Originally I had until Aug. 1 to get completely moved out of my apartment, a new development occurs, tenants want to move in early. Now we have to be out by July 17, however, earning us a little extra cash for the effort.

After some genuinely hard work from around 8.30pm-1.00am, the apartment was looking good. Good, that is in the destroyed, beer stained, treeted like a playground look. It was at this point that I realized something...

It is really over. I hate to get all sentimental about leaving college because all I talked about during my final sememster was how ready I was to get out and get a job and a place etc... While I am still enthusiastic about all of those said items. I am realizing how much I will miss my previous lifestyle. I am really beginning to see how lucky I was with the friends that I made. And while I know they will be my friends always, it's cause for a moment to just sit back and remember.

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