
a sudden burst of skill

So I attended a ku med intramural softball game the
other day, which coincidentally abbey was playing in, and aside from the man-eating gnats making dinner of me, I had a pretty fantastic time. Abbey used to play softball with me on my team in manhattan; however, the scene was much different there. I recall Abbey [i will cut her some slack, i do believe it was her firt jaunt with the sport] nonetheless, I remember her more often then not, completely missing the ball. If she did make contact, she would hit roughly 07% of the ball and it would creep across the ground to the pitcher like a wounded animal preparing for death. But wait, what is this i see, full swings, no running starts at the ball, a step forward and a cut that would make any northern woods lunberjack proud. She figured it out! All of a sudden she has turned into one of the best female softball players I have ever seen. It's like one day she showed up at the field and just decided to be good. My hat is off to you dear Abbey.

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