
the longest week EVER!!

So this week is seeming to take especially long to pass. This morning I looked at the clock at 9.52am and then went back to work for about an hour and a half...only it wansn't an hour and a half. I looked at the clock and it read 10.17am...25 minutes...that is all the time that had passed, perhaps one of the most depressing moments of the past 3 days. The reason the week is taking so long is because of what I have to look forward to this weekend. I am finally moving!! Yep, stop the press, you heard me correctly, I am changing locations from the extra bedroom filled with antique furniture at my mom's house to a kick ass loft in the river market area of kc. The move commences promptly at the wake up hour on saturday morn.

Also going down this saturday night, is the return of ben folds to kc. I can't wait for this show, he will be perorming with rufus wainwright and ben lee. The stage happens to be just down the street from my previously mentioned new place of residence. so pre-show festivities are a mi casa for my close friends. the night will most definately be momorable.. or perhaps not!
it you know what i mean. anyway I am sure some pics will make there way onto this blog on monday or so. they should be mildy entertaining.


Unknown said...

BK, the apt looks cool. It also looks like a good place to for some wasty waste.

I can't say the same for my week, it has flown by. Mainly because I've been on *VIZ the whole week...makes the days much faster than CAD.

*VIZ is not a drug, it is a computer program.

bkroll said...

cool, are you still doing renderings of the "transit station". you should post some more shots, I would like to see them.

Adam C. said...


Hey dude, dig the new site, to bad that gin smells like cologne, (just give it a whiff) I may have had too much one time.

Anyway, I shined up my site a little (copied you little) and redid my first post a bit. Give me a buzz, and well Rock out to Ben and his folds at sat. Can't wait to see your party.

...To the Diner