
Breakfast of Champions

I am taking a break from my job which requires ways to many hours of my life, to write this blog. I have had it, too much work not nearly enough play. I love Architecture but I don't know if I am ready to sacrifice all my time to it just yet. I do, however, find time during lunch to grab an hour and read. Over the past 4 weeks, an hour at a time, I have been chipping away at Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. I finished it on Tuesday of this week, and I must say I enjoyed the hell out of it. It was written unlike any book I have ever read. The characters were written about in manner almost making them all equal... so that there were no main characters, or ALL the characters were main characters (however you want to look at it). One however, did eventually stand out. He goes the name of Kilgore Trout. I will not say much more about the book in hopes that you will read it and find out the whole story for yourself, with no expectations or inclinations as to what may happen.
I will say that this book made me laugh out loud on several occasions. My reading spots consist of either LatteLand, Starbucks, or Panera all on the plaza. I make my decision on where I will read each day based on three criterion.
One) whether or not I am going to eat while I read. Most days I bring my lunch and eat it at my desk while I work, so to be able to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and my book without the trouble of sticking food into my mouth. My mouth is the whole in my face located just below my nose where the majority of my air enters and exits my body, It also contains all of my teeth used for breaking food into small enough pieces to travel down my throat into my stomach. If I choose to eat, I opt for Panera and all it's deliciousness.
Two) What the weather is like. For instance, if it is a little chilly, I would like a hot cup of coffee. LatteLand's coffee is significantly better than Starbucks in my opinion so I would opt for LatteLand. However, if it is warm out and I would like something cool and refreshing, I hit up Starbucks for one there divine caramel Frappuccinos. Damn are they exquisite.
Three) Kind of related to the second, If I would like to sit inside or outside. On the Plaza at least, Starbucks has premium outdoor seating. Whereas LatteLand's is nice, but small. Even though there are two LatteLands on the Plaza, there is more outdoor seating at the one Starbucks than at both LatteLands combined. So If I am feeling the indoor vibe, I go LatteLand. Outdoors, Starbucks.
Next hour increment book: Island, Aldous Huxley

1 comment:

PostScorch! said...

i'm reading slaughterhouse five by vonnegut right now. quite the coincidence.

i usually read it at stop lights. probably not the safest thing to do, but screw it. i'm not reading it while i drive, right?