



Ok, it seems like the thing to do....so here is me...as a simpsons character. I don't know about this.


the Practice Facility

About a 2 weeks ago I had the pleasure of traveling to Cleveland Ohio to visit the Cleveland Clinic Courts. This was the first project in which I had a major design role throughout the whole process. I have to say...it is a pretty amazing feeling to walk through a building with which you have become real familiar, only on paper and computer screens. To see it in built, tangible form and to move through its spaces is to experience (hopefully) everything you've romanticized in your head during the design process. There is more I would like to say about this but I am out of time. So I will leave you with a few images. I hope you enjoy.



The previous two posts by Studio109 prompt this post. The writings, especially the latest, reminded me of how I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks. This may or may not be exactly what was being discussed; however, it is in my mind a very related conversation.
I feel that a lot of people misuse, or perhaps, have a lack of understanding of what the word creative or creativity means. Perhaps I do to. I do not want this post to make it sound as if I think I have a divine understanding of the creative, I don’t. Having said that, I do feel that the word is abused. For instance, I am confronted fairly often with design problems that need solutions. One of these problems recently has elicited a solution from me that I am very proud of. It is a well thought out, clean, and clear solution for the design of an office with not enough space and too much program. After presenting my solution to some coworkers I was blown away at the responses. Things were said like…
“oh, this is nice…the client will like this because it is not super creative”
“it is not quite as creative as some of the other similar spaces we have done, but it is nice.”
This really frustrated me. I looked up the past projects referenced and found projects with large willful curving walls, and swooping ceiling planes. While these may be more whimsical design solutions they are by no means more creative and should not be construed as such (in my opinion). I think it is very easy to place a curve here or a canted wall there, at ones will. To take a problem and submerge your mind and soul into this problem and emerge with a clean, thought out, meaningful solution that uses materials in a logical, and perhaps inventive way so that one truly solves the problem is to be creative. To draw on personal experience and intuition and then translate that into a new space that meets a set of rules and desires set forth by the client is to be creative. To create a space that people understand and love to be in, all the while making it beautiful is not only creative, its art. Perhaps I am naïve, but in my opinion the creativity of a space is not solely contained in the form, but in the process, solution, and experience. Don’t get me wrong, a creative solution my in fact have odd angles and geometry but I don’t think that that solely can be used as a criterion for judging whether a space is creative or not. I know that this seems to be relating only to architecture but I am sure you can find parallels with this in any aspect of design/art. As I now look back and read this, I fear that this post has turned into a muddled mess of rambling and that my original point has been lost in frustration. If this is true, I apologize.



click here


mmmm. coffee

I have posted before about my love for espresso based drinks. I have to go on the record and say, for a fact, that the best coffee in Kansas City is at the Broadway Cafe & Roastery . Granted I have not tried coffee at EVERY coffee shop in KC, but I have tried a lot and Broadway coffee is FAR and ABOVE the others. I cannot imagine another cup even coming close. I am sorry to go on about this but I will. It is not only the care taken in the roasting of the bean (done in the cafe) but also in the grind (much more important than you think) and then in the extraction of the espresso, but also in the presentation of the cup. For instance, this morning's cup:

try a cup. You won't be disappointed...I promise.


warm weather

This past Sunday was a day well spent working in the yard. The previous owner was a fantastic gardener and left us a beautiful assortment of flowers that are beginning to really sing. the down side to her gardening was that the yard seemed to play second fiddle as they say. So, my next few months will be spent prepping the yard so that when this time next year rolls around we have a thick, lush yard. Hopefully.


a new look

All right, now that this little site has had its "once a year face-lift" maybe I will start keeping up with this thing.
All has been well in my world. Abbey and I are very happy in our little home with our big puppy. Huxley is now a striking 47 pounds at 6 months old. It seems just a couple days ago he was only 20 pounds and just a few days before that, I could hold him in the palms of my hands.
The house renovation is still moving forward at a snails pace. There is so much to do that I feel like I cannot focus on just one thing. I feel a little bit like I have ADD. I started the back patio renovation, it is going well, about ready to start leveling the aggregate fallowed by a 2" layer of sand then the laying of the brick will begin. I really want to push on that so I can get it done but it seems other projects keep popping up that get in the way. Oh well, one day this will all be done...right???
At work I am doing a design study of a stadium for a professional football team, I am not yet allowed to disclose which team that is (office rules) A pro stadium is a difficult scale to comprehend and really wrap your mind around. I am beginning to understand the project more and it has allowed my to really explore some of my own ideas and creativity. It has definitely been keeping me busy. I am building a 3d model of it and eventually will have a short animation. Hopefully I will be able to post it on here for you to see.
Well, that is all for now. I will close by attaching some random images of our house for your viewing pleasure. (no one likes a post that has no photos)

coming soon

Please excuse the mess of this site for now. I am in process of renovating. I am hoping that a new look might inspire me to share more with you all. I hope to have the new and improved bkroll.blogspot up soon. I will see yas when I see yas.


For T.

I had a conversation the other night with my dear friend Tessa and I promised I would post something soon. I decided I would post some images of the progress, slow I might add, of the patio in my backyard. The last images I posted of this project was the demo work Dustin and I had done one afternoon. These images show what the current state of the patio is in. I will be working on it feverishly over the next few weeks so to get it done in time to enjoy it for most of the summer. Hopefully. Anyway, enough gab...here are the photos.

Also, I have finally joined the Flickr society. So, if you find yourself at work and want to kill a little bit of time, ( I don't have many photos up yet) click here.


My weekend

To say that this weekend left my body sore and abused is an understatement. Let me recap for you.
A typical Friday night for me. Drinking with buddies, finally falling asleep at around 2am.

Dustin ended up crashing at my house on Friday night as to avoid a DUI on his drive back downtown to his place. So, Saturday morning I decided to put his presence to good use. For those of you who have been to my house or more specifically, those whom have been in my backyard, you have seen that large decrepit brick bbq. Well, I have recently decided to tear up our back brick patio and relay the bricks so they are level and nice looking again. Along with this I decided to tear down the brick bbq and turn it into a table element with a fire pit in it. In order to tear this down we equipped ourselves with a sledge hammer and eye protection as to avoid eye irritants and went to work. Here are some images that begin to tell the story.
I let my wife talk me into running the Brew to Brew road race. This is a relay race that starts at the Boulevard Brewery and ends at the Free State Brewery in lawrence. My leg was the 6th of 10 and was 3.4 miles straight up hill into about a 30 mph wind. Ok, ok the first 2.5 miles where straight up hill and the wind was only blowing about 20 mph. It was tough, but a great sense accomplishment was felt when I finished. I finished my leg in 34 minutes and I am proud of that especially because I have only ran about 4 times in the past year and the longest of those was only 2 miles. Anyway, I may continue this running thing...but probably not.


Mr. Young

Man oh Man...it seems like every time I decide to post something I have to start it off by saying how sorry I am for leaving my last entry up for so long. If any of you are like me, you check your friends blogs at least once a day and when you continue to see the same image day after day after day...it becomes real annoying. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I wanted to take today to write about one of my favorite musicians of all time. In fact he may well be my favorite if forced to pick one. I am of speaking of Mr. Neil Young. There is something about his unique high pitched voice that seems so real. I don't feel like he is singing to make money or a career or even to entertain, however, singing because he has something inside to say that only singing can express. Almost like it is fighting it's way out and his voice is the medium for which it travels. I love music from this generation. When I say that, I mean music from the sixties and seventies (not referring to "classic rock"). It has so much feeling in it. The musicians were not hand picked by a panel of judges being judged on how "pitchy" they are or how they look. They were people who had something to sing about and that is exactly what they did. They sang. Whether it was about love, politics, sex, drugs, loneliness, and happiness...they just sang it in a way that makes me close my eyes and wonder how great it must have been to hear it live.

I did have the chance to catch Neil Young a couple of years ago with my dad when Greendale came out at Starlight amphitheatre. It was incredible. To watch someone sing and play his guitar with such passion is a great experience. I will never forget it.

The reason I felt it necessary to write this today is because I recently purchased "Neil Young live at Massey Hall 1971".

This is one of those albums that is so good you almost cannot have it on as background music because you will find yourself just sitting an listening to songs like "Cowgirl in the Sand", "A man needs a maid", and "Don't let it bring you down"....it is silly how good these songs are. Oh, and the version of "Old man" on the live at Massey Hall is the best I have ever heard. If you have an extra 14 bucks, go ahead and visit the itunes store in download this album. It comes with two pretty cool videos as well. One of which is Mr. Young on his ranch with footage of the "Old man" he sings about. Anyway, if anyone actually reads this and buys the album...let me know what you think.


I will first start off by saying that I still do not yet have a list in response to my last post...I know that you all must be crushed. However, I do have a good reason, his name is Huxley. Recently Abbey and I added a new little guy (soon to be big guy) to our family. One month ago today we drove out to Marrysville, KS and picked from a litter of 10 boxer puppies. The decision wasn't an easy one, but after some time we chose a brindle (light brown with dark stripes) boy. Of the two brindle boys in the litter we decided on the smaller of the two. Seeing that his dad was quite large we thought the smaller pup was a good choice. After we had an idea on which one we wanted to take home with us it was time to meet their parents. While the owner was putting the puppies back into there part of their house, out of the ten puppies, the one we had chosen snuck out and came running back over to us ready to offer some more licks. It was at this point we knew we had made the right choice. When we brought him home he was 7 weeks old and 8 pounds. Now, at 11 weeks he is around 16 pounds and his personality is really starting to come out. I will post more about this later as it is getting late. I just wanted you all to meet our Huxley.