
a new look

All right, now that this little site has had its "once a year face-lift" maybe I will start keeping up with this thing.
All has been well in my world. Abbey and I are very happy in our little home with our big puppy. Huxley is now a striking 47 pounds at 6 months old. It seems just a couple days ago he was only 20 pounds and just a few days before that, I could hold him in the palms of my hands.
The house renovation is still moving forward at a snails pace. There is so much to do that I feel like I cannot focus on just one thing. I feel a little bit like I have ADD. I started the back patio renovation, it is going well, about ready to start leveling the aggregate fallowed by a 2" layer of sand then the laying of the brick will begin. I really want to push on that so I can get it done but it seems other projects keep popping up that get in the way. Oh well, one day this will all be done...right???
At work I am doing a design study of a stadium for a professional football team, I am not yet allowed to disclose which team that is (office rules) A pro stadium is a difficult scale to comprehend and really wrap your mind around. I am beginning to understand the project more and it has allowed my to really explore some of my own ideas and creativity. It has definitely been keeping me busy. I am building a 3d model of it and eventually will have a short animation. Hopefully I will be able to post it on here for you to see.
Well, that is all for now. I will close by attaching some random images of our house for your viewing pleasure. (no one likes a post that has no photos)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I haven't been to your place in awhile. Maybe you should have a wine party and I'll stay the night! Oh and btw, thanks for calling me back the other night! Dustin, Ryan and I had a good time without you!!! :P