
Monday morning blues.

So I want to take a moment to discuss the feelings that float throughout a monDAY. First of all, monday morning...I wake to the sound of my alarm clock and instinctivley I hit the snooze button in about .5 seconds. I repeat this about 3 times. I am telling you this because Mondy mornings bring with them an incredible regret for ever getting a job. Waking on a these mornings is incredibly difficult for me, infact I marvel at hard it is really is for me to rise. Once I am up, I am in the shower as quickly as possible, I need the hot water to keep me awake or I will fall off of the awake wagon in record time. After the shower is when my thoughts start to clear up and become more reasonable. I arrive at work at around 815 or so and begin my workday. around 930 is the time I realize that Mondays really are not that bad, It's just the 5 day outlook that gets you down. You know, the weight of the next four days bearing down on you is hard to handle some times. Having said that,however, no matter times I go through this process of hating Monday mornings then realizing that there really not that bad...come next monday at 715 when my alarm begins singing is hell song. I will forget all I have learned and hate Monday morning again, at least for an hour or two.
Monday night is a different story. I love Monday nights. This is my thought process:

ahh i got through another monday already, oh ya tomorrow is already tuesday_ wow after that its already hump day, thursday then friday...hmmm. do I have plans for friday, I should call kingsley and get something figured out...I am going to play golf on saturday...man i love saturdays.

As you can see it really only is the Monday morning part of the week that I have problems with, and that only lasts an hour or so. Now that I have let you have a rough peek into my monDAY thoughts, tell me about yours...what goes through your head on monDAY??


Anonymous said...

I need COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

this monday morning i was thinking: I hope no one broke into my house last night.

jill m said...

7am mtg. this monday morning...who in their right mind schedules a mtg. for 7am let alone on a monday morning?

Unknown said...

jill. where did your blog go?

Unknown said...

damnit barrett, update your blog